
Information about competition
Youth professional competition Hortolympics 2019 will occur in Räpina May, 29th to June, 1st 2019.
The rules and requirements of the competition can be found in the regulations.
- HortOlympics…
There will be 20 different practical tasks to solve which cover competences/skills of a…
Please fill the form. Use REGISTER button.
Deadline for enrolment is 3rd of March 2019.
112 people are involved with the HortOlympics
Information about the venue accommodation and transportation

Räpina School of Horticulture was founded in 1924. The school is the oldest and also the biggest vocational school teaching horticultural subjects in Estonia. There are about 670 students studying in the school. The school has international experiences through different projects, programs and networks. On the 1st of June 2019 Räpina School of Horticulture celebrates its 95th anniversary.

Competitors and supervisors will be accommodated in the Räpina School of Horticulture dormitory which is about 500 m from the school main building and competition area. Rooms are located in the dormitory as apartment system. Each apartment has two double rooms (separate beds), a kitchenette, a shower room and a toilet. Address: Nooruse 1, Räpina

Transport from Tallinn or Riga Airport to venue (Räpina) on 29th of May will be organised by the competition organiser. There will be a person with HortOlympics label waiting for you in the airport after you leave the security area. You will travel from airport to Räpina by bus. Travelling from Tallinn to Rapina lasts about 3 hours and from Riga to Räpina 4 hours.
Transport from Räpina to Tallinn or Riga Airport on 1st of June will be organised by the competition organiser as well. You will be informed about the exact timetable in Räpina.
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